Here is a fun little exercise that speaks to the power of a reliable financial forecast in business.
Stand up and cover your eyes with both hands so you can't see anything in the room. Now walk to the other side of the room without uncovering your eyes.
That was uncomfortable wasn't it? Even in a room you are very familiar with, it is uncomfortable trying to do a simple thing like walk to the other side of the room when you can’t see anything in front of you.
Now let’s try that same experiment again, but with a twist. This time separate your fingers just a wee bit so you can peek through your fingers. Now walk across the room.
Much more comfortable isn't it? That little bit of visibility is enough to prevent you from running into something.
That’s what a reliable financial forecast (a financial projection) is all about in business.
It’s not about providing complete visibility or certainty. It’s about providing you a glimpse of what lies ahead (from a financial perspective) so you are more likely to get where you are going safely.
My book, A Quick Start Guide to Financial Forecasting, is a straightforward, easy-to-understand guide to one of the most powerful tools in business: a reliable financial forecast.
NOTE: You can grab a copy at Amazon.
A Quick Start Guide to Financial Forecasting: Discover the Secret to Driving Growth, Profitability, and Cash Flow Higher provides a straightforward, easy-to-understand guide to one of the most powerful financial tools in business: a reliable financial forecast. It will transform the financial future of your company and help you make better business decisions. Get the book at Amazon.